
It is always exciting to begin something new! This post begins a new, weekly blog. It is a challenge I’m taking on, one that I have been contemplating for some time now. Here, in a nutshell, is why I am doing this… to teach the Word of God in a simple way, so that it can be understood and obeyed! My tag line says it all, “simple Bible teaching”!

I am already doing a 15 minute podcast, currently 3 times per week, to accomplish that goal. It has been going for almost a year and has been well received. This blog is just one more avenue to get the Word out. I am looking at other ways to do that as well in the future.

We all have a world view, a way of looking at the world around us and of living our lives. A world view is a system of belief. It directly impacts how we view world events, form opinions and beliefs, make decisions, and live our lives everyday. There are two main world views… a biblical world view, and all others. Under the “all others” category there are numerous subsets. My concern is not to enumerate them, but rather to focus Christ followers on the biblical world view.

I’m told that, in some banks, when their tellers are trained, they are familiarized, in detail, with what authentic money looks like. The thought behind that approach makes sense. When a counterfeit bill appears, they will spot it immediately because they know very well how the real thing looks!

True followers of Christ want to live their lives in a manner that pleases Him. They want to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. (II Peter 3:18) Learning what He has communicated to us in His Word is the basis of growing and living a life pleasing to Him! As we learn and apply biblical truth, we will live life that is based on a biblical world view.

There are numerous, wonderful, sound, biblical teachers and resources available to those who are serious about their faith walk. I am only one more small addition to that list, striving to be faithful to my calling and hopefully making a difference in the lives of those God brings across my path!

I invite you to stick around and read this little blog on a weekly basis. I would love your feedback and input. I would especially love your prayers for the ministry of Sharing Real Hope!